és un dels molts servidors de Mastodon que pots fer servir per a participar en el fedivers.
Des del 13 d'abril del 2017, el primer i original servidor social en català per a la comunitat de llengua i cultura catalanes d'arreu d'internet.

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Estadístiques del servidor:

usuaris actius

#WhatsApp shares its metadata with #Meta

They know:

✅ Your location
✅ Your device
✅ Who you're writing
✅ When you write them
✅ How often you write them
✅ Whether they reply

Stop this tracking with a #privacy-first alternatives: 👉

What is your favorite?

@spla @Tutanota +1 for Deltachat. Requires an auto-crypt-compatible email address. @Tutanota , would you please add #deltachat compatible auto-crypt goodness to your offerings?

PS: I have tuta, proton, and email addresses (and thanks for the free service!). I pay for, and favor the one the most. Why? Because of the auto-crypt support. (BTW: I am not paid in any way to endorse one over the other.)

@sbb @spla Thanks for your feedback, I'll pass the request on to the devs.

@sbb @spla @Tutanota I added Posteo now. I’ve come across it before but it had fallen off my radar. Thank you.